Inside ETV Endowment

Your favorite programs return to SCETV and SC Public Radio this month!

Dear ETV Endowment Member,

Because of your support, we are able to bring you the best that public broadcasting has to offer so I hope you enjoy the wide range of upcoming programs. South Carolina ETV and South Carolina Public Radio expose us to talent from around the world, topics relevant to today's issues and news stories from right here in South Carolina. 

Though the final season of Sanditon premieres in March, Tom Jones, a new MASTERPIECE mini-series based on the Henry Fielding Novel, is coming our way! Even from these 18th-century novelists' perspectives, we can find common situations and circumstances that are still applicable today.

We hope you agree that SCETV and SC Public Radio's program lineup for March and April is outstanding! Programs that teach us about the past, present and future are all made possible by YOU! Thank you for your ongoing support. 


Coby Cartrette Hennecy, CPA, CFRE
Executive Director
ETV Endowment of South Carolina

P.S. We frequently hosts screenings around the state, and we hope you'll join us at one soon! 

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