Inside ETV Endowment

Thank you for making our programming possible!

Dear ETV Endowment Member, 

Did you know that more than 200 million people watch PBS and more than 163 million listen to NPR on a monthly basis?

As a loyal supporter of the ETV Endowment, you probably have several reasons for tuning in to public broadcasting. What we hear most often is that PBS and NPR are trusted sources for news, children's programming, documentaries, dramas and arts... with no commercials!

Whatever your reasons, we are grateful for your support. Your donations help SCETV broadcast 672 hours per week on four television channels and SC Public Radio broadcast 336 hours of radio programming per week on two services. That's a lot of great programming that you make possible! 

We look forward to hearing from you about your reasons for watching and listening to SCETV and SC Public Radio, what your favorite programs are and any ideas you may have. Thank you for all you do. 


Coby Cartrette Hennecy, CPA, CFRE
Executive Director
ETV Endowment of South Carolina

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