SCETV aims to faciliate important conversations facing our state

Dear viewers and listeners,
As South Carolina's statewide public media network, a key component of our mission at SCETV is to facilitate important discussions around issues facing our state and its communities. It is our hope that these discussions are constructive and encourage empathy and a greater understanding of different perspectives.
A year ago, after the protests that followed the killings of George Floyd and other unarmed African Americans by police officers, we launched a new quarterly, issue-focused discussion series with a one-hour program on racial injustice. Titled Palmetto Perspectives, the series has since featured episodes on health disparities and voting. This month, on July 15, we'll be airing the next installment in this significant series with an hour-long program focused on monuments and memorials - a topic that I know generates a great deal of passion in our state.
On a related note, this month also represents the sixth anniversary of the Confederate battle flag coming down at the South Carolina Statehouse. On July 22 and 29, we'll be premiering a new two-hour, two-part documentary film called Downing of a Flag that traces the flag's controversial relationship with the Palmetto State, exploring its meaning and how an unspeakable tradegy served as the catalyst for its long-debated removal.
Having a respectful, postive platform to address such emotionally charged topics is crucial. With these two programs, that's exactly what SCETV aims to do. I hope that you'll tune in, listen to the various perspectives offered, and gain a better understanding of the lives and experiences of some of your fellow South Carolinians.
Anthony Padgett
President & CEO
SCETV and SC Public Radio