Celebrating Black History Month on SCETV

Dear viewers and listeners,
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once encouraged us to make a career of humanity. As we celebrate Black History Month, SCETV will highlight significant contributions made by African Americans to humanity here in South Carolina and nationwide.
The new PBS series, Fight the Power: How Hip Hop Changed the World, continues on Tuesdays at 9 p.m., sharing the story of struggle, triumph and resistance brought to life through hip hop. Viewers can learn the story of the first college sorority started and incorporated by African American women in Alpha Kappa Alpha: A Legacy of Service.
The impactful one-hour documentary film, Gullah Roots, which follows leaders of the South Carolina and Georgia Gullah/Geechee community as they experience a recent homecoming in Sierra Leon, airs on February 23 at 9 p.m. on SCETV.
We'll also be re-airing three poignant Carolina Stories documentaries throughout this month: Charlie's Place, Jail No Bail, and The Education of Harvey Gantt.
We are proud to celebrate Black History Month during February, but we will also continue to share these stories year-round. By prioritizing diverse and inclusive programming, we help to amplify the voices of all communities.
Anthony Padgett
President & CEO
SCETV and SC Public Radio